


a) We want to offer a cooperation to Dating Websites – our test needs at least the birth date of potential partners. With our individual models, we’ve analyzed thousands of couples and we’ve been able to implement a clear mathematical-statistical concept. Our algorithm can be a great supplement for questionnaires for people interested. It can ease making up mind who to go on a first date with.

b) Our service can be a great tool for companies running castings for entertainment programs. Even during recruitment process it is possible to check the matching between two people chosen.


  •  You are a journalist and you want to learn how people choose their partners.
  •  You handle matching of people who run important events or TV programs.
  •  You write about new relationships and want to check how much do they match each other.
  •  You handle castings for TV programs where people look for love.
  •  You run a dating website and want to increase the accuracy of the matchings.

We can help you do the analysis or give you a code which you can use to do a FREE analysis. None of the information given will be used publicly. We guarantee discretion and anonymity. We encourage you to contact us directly. Send us an email and we will try to answer your questions as soon as possible.
