
Matrix & Energy

If you want to understand the world, consider it in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

Nikola Tesla

  • The EPR experiment conducted by Albert Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen confirmed ‘action at a distance’. Thanks to quantum energy, we are continuously connected to those around us, especially those closest. In 1935, Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen conducted the EPR Paradox experiment, which identified the ‘action at a distance’ phenomenon. Experiments with action at a distance show us that, thanks to quantum energy, we are continuously connected to those around us, especially those closest or those we recently contacted, like a wireless network connection.1
  • The EPR-phenomenon, described by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen, according to which particles, no matter how far apart from each other – practically spread all over the universe – know one another, can synchronize with each other, and they actually do so. But what does it mean! It means that everything is linked to everything. If you think about a long-distance-effect, you mean signals or something like that, but this phenomenon has nothing to do with signals. It is rather a situation, in which you think let’s say of London just now: ”Then London is here”.2
  • According to the quantum theory, the entangled particles behave as if they possessed an immediate connection between each other capable of traversing the entire universe. Because everything – including us – consists of particles, could the entanglement explain the paranormal phenomena like the telepathy? Studies about biochemical processes in living cells showed furthermore correlations in particles characteristics, in the way they appear in the entanglement. The result is that the entanglement has been considered as an important factor in functioning of the human mind. The physics Nobel Prize winner Brian Josephson from Cambridge University goes even further: he believes that the entanglement could in fact be the long-sought cause of telepathy.3
  • EPR experiment. Connection between distant human brains was proven by the studies of Mexican neurologist Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum. There is proof that this absurd idea is not far from the truth. The experiments conducted by Mexican neuropsychologist Jacobo Grinberg-Zylderbaum and his colleagues, along with roughly 20 other studies, directly prove the idea of quantum nonlocal connection between human brains.4
  • 60 billion neutrinos per second crackle on every square centimeter of us (Ghostly Particle Hunter).5
  • Even a man radiates about 5000 mysterious ghostly particles, because lead atoms decay in human body.6
  • The fact that according to the Einstein’s equation everything is energy, means of course that love as well is energy – and that it has a frequency like every other form of energy.7
  • The Schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 Hz corresponds exactly to brain frequency. We are inseparably relied on to the Earth and our brain stands in resonance with it.8
  • We and the Others

Vittorio Gallese and Giovanni Buccino: from mirror neurons to compassion, Every individual has a natural tendency to ‘co-resonate’ with its fellow species. We do it in very simple situations, like those described, but also when we share with others moments of great pain or joy. A more recent discovery in the field of the neurophysiology lets us explain the mechanisms that our brain uses to let us understand other people’s actions and ‘co-resonate’ with them: the discovery of mirror neurons.9

  • Programming of a matrix?

“All interactions in the universe transmit not only energy, but also information. Particles not only collide, but calculate as well. With advancing calculation, the reality develops” (Lloyd 2006).

Quantum spins are subject to entanglement, this has long been known. Huping Hu and his wife Maoxin Wu used this knowledge to try out something. Is it possible to entangle the spins of water molecules with the spins of drugs and find then the effect of drugs in water? Exactly this works and is reproducible. The condition: To obtain the energy for entanglement a coherent source is necessary, like a laser, a magnetic field or a microwave. If you drink such an entangled water, the result are symptoms as if a drug – in this case an anesthetic – was taken (Hu/Wu 2006).10

  • What Heisenberg discovered was like a great bang: the subjective observer changes the seemingly objective reality. Or, more radically: There is no objective reality at all. Everything is in a flow. The decisive factor is always the awareness having an impact on the events – the mind forms the matter. This recognition was obviously a shock for the mainstream science. A new conception of the world was forged and whirled old certainties, for hardliner a provocation.11
  • About 200 years after Newton, Albert Einstein presented his famous equation E = mc2; according to it energy and matter remain in such a fundamental relation, that they are one and the same.

We are connected with everything in the quantum field like everything in the universe, we are also in a way connected with a sea of information that exists beyond the physical space and time. Although we don’t come into contact with physical elements in the quantum field, and we are not even close to them, we can however influence them, and we are in turn influenced by them. The physical body consists of organized energy and information patterns, united with everything in the quantum field. You and all people send out a particular energy pattern or signature. Each material thing emits steadily particular energy patterns loaded with information. Your fluctuating mental state changes consciously or unconsciously this signature from one moment to the next, because you are more than just a physical body: You are awareness expressing various mental levels through body and brain.12

  • There is an interesting experiment carried out with different couples. One person stayed in an electromagnetically shielded room, whereas the other was told to think about his/her partner. The EEG-measurements revealed the sudden presence of brain waves identic to those of his/her isolated partner. Matter doesn’t exist actually! They say that matter does not consist of matter, but of waves related to one another and exchanging information. Thus, the idea of the world of separations has been abandoned. Everything in the whole universe is related or, in the language of quantum physicists, quantum entangled. Everything exchanges permanently information with everything. For this reason, the quantum physics is also called information physics or physics of relations.13
  • Kevin Kelly, We are star dust

Where are we from? The explanation that we were made in stars sounds profound, elegant and attractive to me. It implies that most atoms in all of us consist of smaller particles created in the oven of long gone stars. Only our archaic blocks of hydrogen were born before stars.14

  • In connection with the universe I can hardly find something more poetical than the fact, that in the end every atom of our body was once on a star, which exploded. What’s more, the atoms of my left-hand stem probably from a different star than those of the right hand. We are all literally star children and our body consists of star dust.
  1. Planets move around the Sun in elliptic orbits.
  2. The connecting line (‘beam of light’) between a planet and the Sun scans in identical periods the same spaces.
  3. The square of the circulation time of a planet is in direct proportion to the third power of the big trajectory half-axis.

These rules build the foundation of Newton’s derivation of universal laws of gravity formulated almost a hundred years later.15

  • When two quantum objects, for example electrons or photons, come into contact with each other, their quantum states (i.e. the mathematical descriptions of their features) combine or cross each other. From this moment, the destinies of the quantum objects remain closely interwoven, regardless of how far away from each other they could move in the future.16
  • Actually, the picture of a series of buttons being pressed is much too cumbersome and linear to match the impressive ability of subconsciousness to process data. It is estimated, that it can handle in proportion to the much bigger weight of the subconsciousness brain 40 million nerve impulses per second. In contrast, the smaller, conscious, prefrontal cortex can manage only 40 nerve impulses per second. It means: The subconsciousness is 40 million times faster at processing information than the consciousness.17
  • Our thoughts are extremely powerful.

Like radio signals, our thoughts transmit our convictions and expectations into the quantum field (which I call the field of the limitless potential, FP). And what they draw in our life, is what matches exactly the waves radiated by us. Quantum physicists have proved that it was impossible to observe something without influencing it. It is called the observer effect. This effect turns on its head about everything, we have believed to know so far about the functioning of the world. But the possibilities that it opens are simply hallucinating! Then it means that:

  1. We are not surrounded by the 3-D reality constituting everything that exists, as we have thought.
  2. We are not helpless victims.
  3. A whole swarm of multidimensions has been waiting to be used creatively by us.18
  • Inside you there is also a world of waves

Thus you live not only in a world swinging into forms and back out again, where there is an unlimited number of possible realities developing simultaneously, where everything swings and energy waves spread in all directions, but you swing in your body too, in the microcosm of your personal life.

I have often been asked the question: where does energy come from? From what source is it supplied? Could it dry up one day? The most important answer to this is: We deal here with a phenomenon, which most of the people haven’t understood yet in its entire infinite extent.

Everything is energy, this is the most advanced scientific and also the ancient spiritual definition of the universe. That’s why energies are not only capable to create and maintain us and our universe, but also to protect and heal us. It’s due to unhindered energy flows that we can have a healthy and happy life, in spite of all daily burdens. The quantum physicists answer these questions with a calm consistency. In the end, they say, the whole universe is a conglomerate of wave patterns. A homogeneous system, allowing a differentiation only at the perception level. Nevertheless, a substantial opposition of matter and energy could no longer be upheld.19

  • Suddenly I have discovered that a cell life is determined by its physical and energetic environment and not by its genes. Positive thoughts have a powerful effect on the behavior and genes, but only if they coincide with the actual subconscious programming. Good vibrations, bad vibrations and the energy language. The school of medicine has largely ignored the role of the energy as an information carrier, but applied noninvasive scanning technics, which read precisely such energy fields. The quantum physicists have developed devices allowing the analysis of frequency emission of specific chemical substances. These devices are capable to establish the molecular composition of materials and objects. For the medicine, they were developed further in order to allow reading of the energy spectrum emitted by our body tissues and organs. As the energy traverses the body easily, these modern devices can recognize maladies by using noninvasive methods like computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography. Doctors detect malfunctions inside the body, because the spectral energy of healthy tissues differs from that of ill tissues.20
  • Let me begin with the subatomic particles, the electrons and the quarks. They have a specific spin, so they execute a rotating movement. The spin axis rotates in a direction, which can be determined by measurements. But strange things happen during such measurements. Quantum physicist Paul Davies realized a successful experiment which in the meantime became legendary. He constructed a magnetic field and thus determined the direction of spin axis rotation. The directions of other spin axes should be determined relatively to this reference direction, however, without the magnetic field. The researcher takes measurements and sees that the axes of electrons rotate without field exactly in the same direction that was earlier determined by him as the reference direction within the constructed magnetic field. It was as if the electrons outside the field were infected. Davies repeated the measurements several times, and the spin was always parallel to the field. After that, Davies constructed the magnetic field with a new direction. And immediately the spin axes of the examined particles outside the field changed accordingly. The pre-set rotation was thus reproduced by the particles, describes Davies this phenomenon. It seems as if the particles knew the intention of the researcher and always chose the direction defined earlier than reference.21
  • Your body is made up of 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 octillion) atoms.22
  • Entrainment is a term in physics, which means that two oscillating systems fall into synchrony. It was coined in 1665 by the Dutch mathematician Christiaan Huygens, after he discovered that two of his clocks with pendulums standing in close proximity to each other had begun to swing in unison.

It is also related to resonance, or the ability of any system to absorb more energy than normal at a particular frequency (the number of peaks and troughs in one second). Any vibrating object, including an electromagnetic wave, has its own preferential frequencies, called ‘resonant frequencies’, where it finds vibrating the easiest. When it ‘listens’ or receives a vibration from somewhere else, it tunes out all pretenders and only tunes into its own resonant frequency. It is a bit like a mother instantly recognizing her child from among a mass of schoolchildren. Planets have orbital resonances. Our sense of hearing operates through a form of entrainment: different parts of a membrane of the inner ear resonate to different frequencies of sound. Resonance even occurs in the seas, as in the tidal resonance of the Bay of Fundy at the northeast end of the Gulf of Maine, near Nova Scotia. Armour discovered neurotransmitters in the heart that signal and influence aspects of higher thought in the brain. McCraty discovered that touch and even mentally focusing on the heart cause brainwave entrainment between people. When two people touched while focusing loving thoughts on their hearts, the more ‘coherent’ heart rhythms of the two began to entrain the brain of the other.23

  • The self-regulating cosmos

Gravity: the fountainhead of cosmic order

Of the four fundamental forces of nature, only gravitation acts across cosmological distances. In this sense, gravity powers the cosmos. It is responsible for bringing about the large-scale structure of the universe, and it is within this structure that other forces perform their roles. It has long been appreciated by physicists and astronomers that gravity is peculiar in the way that it organizes matter. The key to the unique structuring capabilities of gravity is its universally attractive nature and long range. Gravity pulls on every particle of matter in the universe and cannot be screened. Its effects are therefore cumulative and escalate with time. The lesson of EPR is that quantum systems are fundamentally nonlocal. In principle, all particles that have ever interacted with one another belong to a single wave function – a global wave function containing a stupendous number of correlations. One could even consider (and some physicists do) a wave function for the entire universe. In such a scheme the fate of any given particle is inseparably linked to the fate of the cosmos as a whole, not in the trivial sense that it may experience forces from its environment, but because its very reality is interwoven with that of the rest of the universe.24

  • To begin with, for you to be here now, trillions of drifting atoms had somehow to assemble in an intricate and curiously obliging manner and create yourself. It’s an arrangement so specialized and particular, that it has never been tried before and will only exist once. For many years ahead, we hope these tiny particles will uncomplainingly engage in all the billions of deft, co-operative efforts necessary to keep you intact and let you experience the supremely agreeable, but generally underappreciated state known as existence.

Not an atom’s width of space remains unused. There is activity everywhere. Everything is ruled by electrical energy. Most of us probably don’t feel it, but we are all electrical cells. The food we eat and the oxygen we breathe are combined in the cells into electricity. The reason we don’t give each other massive shocks or scorch the sofa when we sit down is that it is all happening on a tiny scale: a mere 0.1 volts travelling distances measured in nanometers. However, scale that up, and it would translate as electrical fields of 100 per meter, much stronger than the core of lightning.25

  • Rizzolatti concluded that within the brain of both primates and humans there must be no distinction between observation and action. To make sense of the riot of experience around us, we can only imagine it by mentally undergoing it ourselves. We understand the actions of others by simulating the entire experience from a personal vantage point, as though it were happening to us. Rizzolatti realized that they had uncovered something fundamental in the neurobiology of comprehension. He began referring to the phenomenon as a ‘mirror effect’, because the neurons had a dual purpose: to impel the muscles to act and to take note of action in others.

Convinced that they had uncovered an important means by which the brain connects with the outside world, Rizzolatti and his team wrote up a modest paper detailing a year of their research and sent it off to the prestigious science journal Nature, only to have it rejected out of hand as not sufficiently interesting to anyone outside of neuroscience. Through a personal connection, Rizzolatti eventually managed to publish the paper in the Journal of Experimental Brain Research. Five years later, after the paper was widely read and its full implications digested around the world, Brain, the most important journal of neurology, welcomed an updated version of their original research and published it immediately.

We not only mimic others’ emotions, but we also feel those emotions deep within our body. We are so attuned to the emotional landscape surrounding us, that a positive or negative environment affects our body and its ability to function. Natural killer cells – the immune system’s front line of defense against cancer and many viruses – are profoundly reactive to stress in our lives, particularly social stressors. Large dips in the number and activity of these cells have been observed during arguments and even minor conflicts.26

  • From the beginning, any two people coming together as a couple search for similarities. The more similarities they find, the more they believe they belong together, and the more certain they are that their love is everlasting.

We always look for ourselves in others. If we’re on the same wavelength as our partner, crises or differences of opinion won’t set as apart. Every relationship goes through a crisis, especially the longer the relationship. But crisis can also mean catharsis and healing. That is the deeper meaning of crisis. We will grow, and we heal unsettled childhood concerns. This can often put a strain in and on partnership. But a couple that is in resonance will survive any stress test. Crisis is mastered together. Nothing in the world can put to question the feeling of belonging together.27

  • Why are our feet glued to the ground?

In a word: gravity! Gravity is a universal force of attraction between all masses. As far as we know, everything in the universe feels it. The force of gravity, though week, grows with mass. While negligible for small bodies, it’s appreciable for big bodies – Earth, Sun, galaxy.

What protects us from the dangers of space?

Charged particles, like protons (hydrogen nuclei) and electrons, zip through space at near light speed. High energy makes them dangerous. Earth’s magnetic field deflects these particles and keeps most away. Moon and Mars (very little field) are the most dangerous places.

Are we made of stardust?

The universe, with its black holes, nebulae, & exploding stars, seems unconnected with our lives. Nothing could be further from the truth. The iron in your blood, calcium in your bones, oxygen that fills your lungs… All forged inside stars that died before the Earth was born. Astrologers are not guilty of being crazy, but of not being crazy enough. We are far more connected to the stars than they ever imagined. Want to see a bit of a star? Hold up your hand. You are stardust made flesh. You were literally made in heaven.

How does the moon influence the Earth?

Contrary to popular belief, the Earth’s tides are not caused by the gravity of the moon, but by differences in the gravity of the moon.

Is our solar system special?

Th solar system has ordered structure: planets orbit the same direction, more or less in the same plane. Probably related to system’s origin.

What do radio telescopes intercept?

Radio waves are electromagnetic waves longer than 1 cm wavelength. They constitute the lowest energy part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

What are cosmic rays?

About 90% of cosmic rays are protons (nuclei of hydrogen atoms); 9% are alpha particles (helium nuclei); 1% are heavier nuclei. When colliding with air molecules, cosmic rays produce showers of secondary particles and very faint glow known as Cerenkov radiation. Ground based particle detectors, spread over a large area, register air showers. Ultrasensitive light detectors register Cerenkov radiation.28

  • Extremes of gravity. Gravity is a common force. All matter particles in the cosmos exert gravitational pull on all other particles. Even though the only gravity you can ‘feel’ right now is the Earth’s gravity pulling you down, the people and objects around you are also attracted with your own little gravitational pull, just like every planer, star, and galaxy in the Universe. Even though gravity is common, it is surprisingly weak. You can easily prove it by touching a small magnet to a paperclip and lifting it. Magnetic pull is much stronger than gravity and lets a little magnet conquer the gravity pull of the entire planet Earth. The main difference is that magnetic pull usually does not spread over great distances, while gravity is everywhere. You cannot shield yourself or hide from gravity, you cannot eliminate it. Everything in the Universe experiences the gravitational pull of everything else.29
  • Cole Porter ‘What is this thing called love?’ 1929

Love. The most wonderful thing in the world – or a box of enmeshed feelings? Is it something complicated – or the simplest thing in the world? Is it possible to explain it scientifically? It dominates our life – we savor it, or we look for it – and when we are deprived of it, the world seems to collapse. The numerous facets of love keep us so busy, that since time immemorial almost every poem, every book or musical piece and each movie deals with love and over and over again she is new and fascinating. And that is right – because love is the key to the continued human existence. No wonder that love is commanded by strong and surprisingly simple biologic mechanisms. These mechanisms however influence not only our love life, but also large aspects of our social behavior. Recent hypothesis suggest that the complex consequences of social links are co-responsible for the complexity and even for the exceptional size of the human brain (Dunbar and Shultz 2007). Love is so simple, but it has far-reaching consequences. (…)

And for neurobiologists: certainly love cannot be controlled voluntarily, it seems to be domiciled in primitive, deep brain areas – no surprise that it has meanwhile been proved by experiments on animals and human brain scans. And also, it is no surprise that the latest research at the molecular level on brain reveals a close connection between addiction and love.

On the whole, it emerges that our human activity is surprisingly strongly determined by our biology – partly by genetically inherited behavioral patterns, partly by childhood experiences that leave their marks in the brain. Certain behavioral patterns and personality differences can already be explained biologically – but this does not release us from the responsibility for our decisions and actions. Being biological organisms is a part of human nature.

First off: We like most to decide ourselves who suits us best, the intuition is unsurpassed here. No agency, no advisor, no psychological form to fill out can beat this. (…)

You attract me!

The searching for partners similar to ourselves is typical for many species, and the biological term for it is ‘homogamy’. But how a man (or a woman) manages to find a partner genetically as close as possible? The answer is really simple: Genetic relatives are similar to us in outward appearance. And how you can recognize it (especially when you as a prehistoric man don’t have a mirror)? An answer to this problem is called ‘sexual imprinting’. As parents are the closest relatives, you look for a partner (man or woman) who resembles as close as possible your parents.

Thus, on an average, people follow fundamental biologic criteria while searching for a partner – in spite of cultural, social and cognitive influences. However, it should be pointed out, that our behavior and also our choice of partner are complex. Many influences are still largely unknown and unexplored, and many influences have more in common with us as cognitive individuals than with us as biological, evolutively optimized actors.

One more thought: Whether at the end we are happy with our partner does not necessarily depend on the fulfillment of all biologically relevant, genetically optimal or evolutively beneficial criteria. These criteria determined by the evolution help only to transmit our genes as far as possible. Our personal happiness could be situated entirely elsewhere.

It must also be clarified what it means in the context of neuronal dimensions: a cube of 3x3x3 millimeter, i.e. 27 cubic millimeters contains according to certain estimations and depending on the brain area from 500,000 to 2 million neurons, for which you obtain an average value every two seconds.30

  • The role of the vagus nerve.

Your present personality is additionally shaped by a third biological factor, which we want to introduce to you: the tenth cranial nerve. It constitutes the principal connecting line between your brain and your body and is also called vagus nerve. It issues from the brain stem and runs through the internal organs. But principally, it connects your brain with your heart. You know already that your heart rate rises when you feel offended or threatened – it can be attributed to the Fight-or-Flight Reaction, inherited from our ancestors, however you may not know that it is your vagus nerve which calms your beating heart by engaging (together with oxytocin) another, also primeval, Calm-and-Connect-Reaction.

Against the background of the information that love equals attachment, it becomes clear that your vagus nerve is a biological active post supporting and coordinating your love experience. This nerve escapes your awareness. It stimulates tiny facial muscles responsible for creating eye contact and the synchronization of your facial expression with that of another person. It adjusts even the tiny muscles of your middle ear, so that you can better hear the voice of another person in spite of background noises. In a gentle but still radical way, the vagus nerve increases the chances for an attachment between both of you. It increases the chances for a positive resonance.

The new science of love makes it clear that your body functions like a verb. Of course, some features of your body – like your DNA or your eyes color – remain relatively constant. But your brain registers unceasingly the permanently changing living conditions and coordinates the flow of biochemical substances, which in turn change your body and brain from inside, on the cellular level. Your body takes initiative. In a remarkable way it sends everything that you feel – your moments of positive resonance or their absence – to all body parts, prepares you either for being healthy or ill and more or less for the loving attachment too.

Characteristic features of love are concern and care for others, a warmth and a genuine interest, bringing you to give trust and empathy. An article that appeared some time ago, attempting to identify the most important feature of love – applying for all love variations from romantic through parental to platonic – determines concern and care, or more abstractly, the ‘investment in the well-being of another person and only for the sake of his/her wellness’, as the essential, always present fingerprint of love. Concern and care cause that you pay more attention to other people’s needs, you receive and process incoming information more attentively, to protect your fellow humans from a loss. Besides, at the next meeting with people, who you share micro-moments of positive resonance with, love leads to even more automated positive reactions – both of you assume, that you are favorably disposed towards each other, what allows you to experience further moments of positive resonance. Studies have even revealed that your daily interaction with friends and colleagues would become much more cheerful and pleasant as soon as you learn to take care about the micro-elements of love.

Put simply: Love leads to a fundamental change of heart.

Think how a soccer match or a concert can evoke a positive resonance on a large scale. By means of intense synchronized calls, songs, marches, dances or other simultaneous actions a deep feeling of group solidarity may be created – capable to absorb even a whole stadium.


Over time, love triggers wave movements. The more frequently you experience a positive resonance daily, the bigger is its influence on what you are going to become.

Future prospects

We have seen how love sends its wave movements through time and space. According to studies, your awareness expands automatically in a moment of positive resonance, so that you learn to appreciate this moment as well as other people more than it is the case normally. Also, automatically your body begins to lean towards another person and agree with him/her, starting a subtle, synchronized dance that reinforces your attachment. Over time, these powerful moments change you. They contribute to the extension of your social network, reinforce your resilience, increase your wisdom and ameliorate your physical health. Furthermore, love is deeply personal. It develops in your mind and body and with their help, like a wave, culminates in every new micro-moment of attachment – in every smile, laugh or this knowing or agreeing regard that you share with others. So although these micro-elements are deeply personal and volatile, they become more and more objects of scientific investigation. Thus, for the first time you can look at and appreciate love not only through personal, subjective glasses but also through scientific, objective ones. In this way, you understand better, why your body and mind are created for love and can only benefit from it. Learn how to look for love more often, and it will not only lift up you but also your surroundings and our world – far beyond what you and I can imagine today. There are numerous occasions for love. It is up to you to use them and thus lead a fulfilled life.31


    There are things in our world that absolutely contradict common sense. Einstein (1879-1955) did not want to acknowledge them for this reason. But they exist, and they even make sense.

    Even what we do not understand can make sense! However, time dilation is a phenomenon that lies far outside our everyday understanding, just like particle-wave dualism. Therefore, we will never really understand quantum physical entanglement. But we can grasp it mathematically, and then it works splendidly and even makes sense.

    Our world sometimes exceeds the human imagination: curved three-dimensional space or even time dilation. Then only mathematics can help, as it is unwavering. That is why we scientists love it so much and often distrust common sense.32

    1. Alexander Loyd, Beyond Willpower, 2015
    2. Hans-Peter Dürr, Marianne Oesterreicher, We Experience More than We Understand: Quantum Physics and the Question of Life, 2001
    3. ‘Quantum Entanglement’, BBC News, 2 April 2016
    4. Amit Goswami, Quantum Creativity, 2014
    5. ‘Physik-Nobelpreis 2015: Jäger der Geisterteilchen’, Spiegel Online, 11 October 2015
    6. ‘Physik-Nobelpreis 2015: Jäger der Geisterteilchen’, Spiegel Online, 11 October 2015
    7. Alex Loyd, The Greatest Principle. Unlocking the Hidden Keys to Ultimate Success in All Areas of Your Life. From Stress to Success, 2014
    8. Paul Jakubczyk, Earthsong, Raum & Zeit, Thema Holistische Wissenschaft, Issue 21, 2014
    9. Manfred Spitzer, Wulf Bertram, Hirnforschung für Neu(ro)gierige – Braintertainment 2.0.
    10. Ulrich Warnke, Quantum Philosophy and Spirituality: The Key to Secrets of Human Being Bound Edition, 2011
    11. Ulrich Warnke, Quantum Philosophie and Spirituality. The key to the secrets of human being, 2011
    12. Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One, 2012
    13. Med. Lothar Hollerbach, The Quantum Code. Healing and Self-Healing through the Primal Energy, 2012
    14. John Brockman, How does the world work?, 2014
    15. Lawrence M. Krauss, A Universe from Nothing: Why there Is Something Rather than Nothing, 2012
    16. Paul Parsons, Scientific Theories in 30 Seconds, 2015
    17. Bruce H. Lipton, Steve Bhaerman, Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and How to Reach It, 2009
    18. Pam Grout, E³ Nine More Energy Experiments that Prove: Manifesting Magic and Miracles Is Your Full-Time Gig, 2014
    19. Penney Peirce, Frequency, Trinity, 2009
    20. Bruce H. Liton ‘Intelligent Cells: How Do Experiences Command Our Genes’, Biology of Beliefs, Mountain of Love/Elite Books
    21. Dieter Broers, Thoughts Create Reality: The Laws of Consciousness
    22. Alexander Loyd, Beyond Willpower, 2015
    23. Lynne McTaggart, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, 2002
    24. Paul Davies, Cosmic Blueprint: New Discoveries in Natures Ability to Order Universe, Copernicus Center Press
    25. Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything, 2003
    26. Lynne McTaggart, The Bond. How to Fix Your Falling-Down World
    27. Pierre Franckh, The DNA Field and the Law of Resonance: Creating Reality through Conscious Thought and Das Gesetz der Resonanz
    28. Marcus Chown, Govert Schilling Tweeting the Universe. Tiny Explanations of Very Big Ideas
    29. Bryan Gaensler, Extreme Cosmos
    30. Andreas Bartels, Die Liebe im Kopf – Uber Partnerwahl, Bindung und Blindheit.
    31. Barbara L. Fredrickson, The Power of Love: A New Look at the Greatest Feeling, Love 2.0., Campus, 2013
    32. Ulrich Walter, Die Verrückte Welt der Physik, 2022