Articles >> What do we really know about the true nature of love and the power of sexual attraction?

February 5, 2021

The greatest writers and poets have extensively explored this topic in their works, but a true understanding of this matter, which singles can use in everyday life while looking for a partner, is still missing. We aim to change that now!

It is fundamentally important to understand that everything that exists is ultimately energy. Matter, mind, and yes, even love are energy at their subatomic level, vibrating at a specific quantum frequency. This quantum frequency differs from person to person, but it’s logical that the more similarly two people vibrate energetically, the higher the chance of spiritual and emotional harmony between a potential couple. The Pauli effect describes the possibility that two objects are connected on the energetically synchronized quantum level. Amusingly, this effect caused technical objects around Wolfgang Pauli to regularly break. This phenomenon of synchronized energetic connection between a person and inanimate objects, observed by others, can be even more strongly applied to the energetic flows between two living people.

We can, of course, use this effect in the search for the ideal partner for a romantic relationship by finding out how similar the energies between two people flow. Unfortunately, many relationships are too often based only on appearances, status, and money. It’s no wonder that so many marriages end in divorce, and many relationships fall apart, especially when the couple lacks symmetrical facial similarity. Many of these couples were never compatible! It’s important to avoid such situations, which can be very stressful for a couple, and build a relationship from the start on a harmoniously synchronized basis. Of course, there is never a guarantee of success, but the right energy is simply incredibly important for building a happy and sexually strong relationship, says author Scott Jeffrey. Good sex is also primarily based on the right sexual energy. We agree with that.

Our mission can be summarized in three simple premises:


We want to connect compatible people so that singles can quickly find the partner who best matches them.


We want all singles to have the opportunity for long-term, harmonious, and sexually satisfying relationships with the best possible energetically synchronized partners.


We want to make life easier for all singles so that they don’t waste their harmonious energy on the wrong people, who won’t make them happy in the long run.

The YourLoveCode test covers all three premises. That’s why we believe it’s a valuable tool, provided at a low cost considering its wide range of applications.


The Scientific Truth Behind Love

The greatest writers and poets have extensively dealt with great love in their works, but a scientific understanding of these deep feelings is still missing!

YourLoveCode has set the goal of clarifying the nature of our reality for all people. Matter, mind, and yes, even love are energy at their subatomic level, vibrating at a specific quantum frequency. This quantum frequency differs from person to person, and the more similar the frequencies of two singles, the higher their chances for a true dream relationship. The Pauli effect already describes the phenomenon of a synchronized energetic connection between inanimate objects, which can be even more strongly applied to human life energy.

YourLoveCode uses this universal truth to increase dating potential in the search for a partner. Unfortunately, many relationships are based only on appearances, status, and financial benefits. The harsh truth is that, on an emotional and romantic level, many failed relationships were never compatible! Of course, there is no absolute guarantee of success, but similar life energy is simply incredibly important for leading a healthy and long-term relationship. Good sex is also primarily based on the right sexual energy, which is a subtype of life energy. YourLoveCode is dedicated to enriching your dating life, and has developed a top tool on a scientific basis that reveals the great secret of life energy to all singles at a very low cost.

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