
historic couples >> Nobelists

The following couples confirm the authenticity of our algorithms.

Maria Salomea Skłodowska-Curie and Pierre Curie
Maria and Peter shared a passion, they  always put science first. They met while working together and married in 1895. The spouses were absolute opposites – he was a calm and quiet dreamer, while she kept both feet on the ground. Despite their different characters, they were very successful in their professional life.
Alexander Fleming

Sarah Marion McElroy

In 1915, Alexander Fleming married an Irish nurse, Sarah McElroy. After nine years of marriage, they had an only son, Robert. Sarah died after 34 years of marriage, and her death deeply affected her husband, who later devoted himself to his work, spending more hours in his laboratory.

Amalia Fleming

Alexander Fleming met Amalia while working together in the lab when he was still married. It was only after the death of his first wife during one of lectures, to which he was invited by Amalia, that he established a closer relationship with her. In 1953, Amalia accepted his proposal, but their relationship  lasted only two years, until the scientist’s death in 1955.
George Bernard Shaw and Charlotte Frances Payne-Townshend
When they met, he was a 42-year-old bachelor, and she was an old maid, a year younger than him. They both didn’t support the idea of marriage, but nevertheless decided to marry. They were best companions until Charlotte’s death in 1948, and our algorithms confirm that they were a good match.
Theodore Roosevelt

Alice Hathaway Lee Roosevelt

Theodore and Alice first met at the home of their mutual friends. After this meeting, Theodore was enchanted by Alice, as he wrote openly in his letters. Less than a year later, Alice received an offer of marriage, but waited eight months before agreeing. They were a well-matched couple and had one daughter, but Alice died shortly after the birth.

Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt

Edith and Theodore had known them since childhood, they were good friends who sometimes went on summer trips to Oyster Bay. Although Edith attended the marriage of her friend in 1880, their lives went on separately until 1885, when Theodore became a widower. They married in 1886 and had five children.