
historic couples >> Statesmen

The following couples confirm the authenticity of our algorithms.

Mahatma Gandhi and Kasturbai Mohandas Gandhi
Kasturbai and Mahatma were married in 1882, at the age of thirteen, according to Indian tradition. Despite the differences between the partners, Kasturbai supported her husband – he was considered the father of the nation and his wife was always his faithful companion. They were married for over 60 years and our algorithms confirm their very good energy matching.
Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill and Clementine Ogilvy Spencer-Churchill

The marriage of Winston Churchill and Clementine Churchill, which lasted 57 years, is an example of how important is matching energy between partners. She repeatedly supported her husband in his personal life as well as in his political career. The spouses always could have count on mutual support and their perfect result confirms that there was a strong bond between them.

Abraham Lincoln and Mary Ann Todd Lincoln

Mary Anne Todd met Lincoln when she was 21 and fell in love with him despite her family’s concerns about his poverty. She accepted his offer of marriage although Lincoln broke off their engagement some time later. The couple made up a year later and married after a few months. Our algorithms confirm their good energy matching.

Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen and Johanna Friederike Charlotte Dorothea Eleonore von Bismarck

Joanna and Otto engaged in 1847 and married six months later, after which they went on a long honeymoon to Italy. They had three children together and their marriage was very happy. Bismarck’s last words before he died expressed a wish to see the deceased Joanna again and our algorithms confirm their good matching.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Anna Eleanor Roosevelt

Franklin and Eleanor often saw each other at dances and over the years they became close friends. In 1903, Franklin proposed to 19-year-old Eleanor and the couple married two years later. When he continued his political career, she raised five children, but was also very involved in political life. They formed a harmonious duo and our analysis confirms the synchronicity of their energies.

Dwight David Eisenhower and Mary Geneva Doud Eisenhower

Mary met Dwight in 1915 and in 1916 the couple announced their engagement. They got married and had two sons. When Eisenhower’s military missions separated them during World War II, his wife wrote to him almost daily.

Deng Xiaoping and Jin Weiying

Jin Weiying and Deng Xiaoping had the same faith and the same aspirations – together they organized a patriotic movement and worked together. They became revolutionary companions and thus fell in love with each other. Our algorithms show that they were a perfect match.